Going to go into the history of hurricanes throughout the years. In 2005, when Hurricane Katrina struck many cities in Louisana it destroyed the resident’s homes. Unfortunately, many financially poor people had nowhere to go as result caused them to be stuck. When attempting to cross the Crescent City Connection bridge to get to a safe area, they were forced to turn back due to the police officers firing at them.
Very crucial as they feared for their lives because their government failed to respond. The city leaders had no accurate plans for the residents after gathering a large group. After Hurricane Katrina passed the Coast Guard saved more than 10,000 people alone, in New Orleans. The FEMA took several days to gather up the operations for New Orleans due to not being prepared for the plan of action.
Which leads to the most recent destruction caused by Hurricane Ian. Hurricane Ian was expected to last a day or so unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. It stayed for nearly a week destroying everything in its path, poor Cuba. There are five categories to know, Category 1: 74-95 mph (maximum sustained wind speed), Category 2: 96-110 mph Category 3: 111-130 mph, Category 4: 131-155 mph, and lastly Category 5: over 155 mph. As time passes on the wind gets stronger and more dangerous going from Cuba to Florida, and up from there after passing the Bahamas.
The Hurricane Center stated, “Heavy rainfall is expected to affect North Florida, Eastern portions Panhandle, and portions of the Southeast, and Mid-Atlantic regions Friday and Saturday.” Meaning it started as subtle and increased to dangerous winds before the five categories of Hurricane Ian destroyed a dozen cities. The Premier of the Cayman Islands, Wayne Panton worries for his residents. He states, “History has taught us to prepare for the absolute worse. While also preparing, praying, and hoping for the best. Also waiting for the terrifying storm to pass us.”
While the tropical storm was in the stage of warning the authorities decided to cancel multiple school classes for the children’s safety. They had to start evaluating and have preparations for the storm in Cuba, Pinar Del Dio Province. Let’s dig more into the history of Hurricane destruction, all hurricanes are very intense tropical cyclones. Forming over warm ocean areas creates a mist in the atmosphere. When the wind blows into a huge spiral and reaches up to 74 mph then it will increase calling it “the eye.”
There are three main conditions of tropical cyclone development to know about. These are warm ocean waters, atmosphere moisture, and relatively light winds aloft. The previous hurricanes that had a major impact on Maine were Hurricane Carol, and Hurricane Edna happened the same year (August – September 1954) right after each other. Many years later Hurricane Gloria happened in 1985, affecting more than 200,000 citizens, damaging several trees, and having many power failures for two weeks. Lastly, In 1991 Hurricane Bob had three deaths, damages worth more than $5,000,000 in six countries, and also many power outages.
Written by Tiffany Fleming
NEWS: Ian strengthens into a hurricane as Florida begins evacuations and Cuba braces for possible floods by Mirna Alsharif and Chantal Da Silva
History: Hurricane Katrina by Michael Appleton/NY Daily Archive/Getty Images
BBC: Hurricane Fiona: Canada hit by ‘historic, extreme event’
Weather: Hurricane Sally – September 2020
Maine: Hurricanes
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