Marijuana Leaves Users “Scromiting” as Doctors Say

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Bo Gribbon who was 17 years old at the time experienced strange effects from marijuana that resulted in him reoccurring to the emergency room eleven times over the last nine months in 2018. With high doubts that marijuana was producing such harsh conditions, Gribbon was said to have spent several hours throwing up multiple times from sun up to sundown. He describes the pain as if Edward Scissorhands were grabbing his intestines and trying to pull them out, according to NBC News on July 11, 2021.

While visiting the emergency room on several occasions, Gribbon was told by a physician assistant that the cause was likely due to marijuana that left Gribbon in disbelief.  Gribbon who is now 20 years old mentions he realizes when he is not smoking he notices that he feels a whole lot better. As we know back in 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize the recreational of marijuana. This act has slowly reached 18 states to minister this same gesture. marijuana

Although many states have legalized marijuana, there is an alarming increase in the potency of cannabis and health risk such as psychiatric issues that could be the mystery component to plague Gribbon’s condition. The condition is called “cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome” also known as “scromiting” which is the mash-up of “screaming” and “vomiting.” Doctors have said this diagnosis has become frequent within the hospitals in Colorado.

Back in 2009, the ER at Parkview Medical Center in Pueblo seen five cases of “scromiting.” By the year 2018, the number of cases had risen to more than 120, according to Dr. Brad Roberts who had already collected data. Roberts mentioned when these cases occur it can leave doctors using more supplies than necessary so that they can rule out other underlying causes.

Although cannabis has been consumed by individuals for thousands of years, there is relatively little that is known about this hyperemesis syndrome.

Written by China Page

Edited by Sheena Robertson


NBC News: High potency weed linked to psychotic episodes, mysterious vomiting illness in young users

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