Nevada Politicians and Educators Must Prioritize Education


Nevada ranks last in the percentage of 18-24 year olds who are high school graduates.
US Census Bureau, 2005 American Community Survey

In September of 2008, Las Vegas Review Journal reported that “graduation is hardly a proud moment for Nevada.” According to the local paper, a study published in “Education Week ,” calculated that the Silver State had the lowest high school graduation rate in the country at 45.4 percent. The national average in 2006 was 70.6 percent.

Fast forward to a July report in the Review Journal, which revealed Nevada’s ranking for public education has hit rock bottom. The article pointed out that Nevada was ranked 50th in the nation.

Stephen Brown, executive director of Nevada Kids Count says, “Nevada’s overall standing fell eight spots to 48th in the nation,” according to the organization’s evaluation system.

It’s time Nevada’s politicians prioritize an agenda that puts education first. And just in case they’ve forgotten the meaning of education, let me offer a little help with meaning, nature, types and the importance of education to not only for our children but to our society.

The term ”Education” has been derived from Latin words” Educatum” or” Educare( Educere).” The first term ”Educatum” refers to the act of teaching. It throws light on the principles and practice of teaching while the second term ”Educate (Educere) to train, mold,  bring up, or lead out, or to draw out propulsion from inward to outward. It actually aims at the development of latent faculties of a child as the child is unaware of these possibilities. To have a clearer picture about the meaning and nature of Education let’s discuss certain definitions of great Educators:

• Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body. It develops man’s faculty specially his
mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness and beauty. (Aristotle)
• Education is the child’s development from within. (Rousseau)
• Education is enfoldment of what is already enfolded in the germ. It is the process through which
the child makes the internal-external. (Froebel)
• Education is the development of good moral character. (J.F.Herbert)
While yet another well known and educator “Spencer” has described Education in the following words “Education is complete living.”

Formal education

Formal education may well refer to all the experiences and activities pre-planned and executed via the teaching – learning process in the class room with the help of teachers, text books and A.V aids. Formal education has specific educational objectives as its “guiding” factor for successful execution. In addition, formal education is organized and guided by formal curriculum, as it leads to a formally recognized credential such as a high school diploma or college degree, and is often guided and recognized by government at some level? (e.g. Traditional Primary. Secondary and Tertiary schools system) It has Teachers who are usually trained as professionals like P.S.T, C.T, B.Ed ,M.Ed or M.Phil etc. The government is there to enhance, and support this formal system.

Informal education

As its very name suggests, it has no formal curriculum and no credits to be earned. The teacher is someone with experience e.g. a parent, grandparent or a friend. When a father teaches his child how to catch a ball or play football, or when a mom or babysitter teaches a child their ABC’s it’s an example of informal education. An individual goes through various experiences and activities in life and learns, often starting at birth, but we learn informally when we interact with others and society.

Non-formal Education

Though loosely organized, non formal education may or may not be guided by a formal curriculum. It could be led by a qualified teacher or by an experienced leader. Non-formal education does not result in a formal degree or diploma, yet it is highly enriching and builds an individual’s skills and capacities.

Aims/Objectives of Educations

As we already mentioned, the famous Greek Philosopher, Aristotle, defined Education as “the creation of a sound mind in a sound body”. Therefore the primary objective of education is the “all around development of [the] individual.”

All round development has been considered the first and foremost aim of education. At the same time education ensures that there is a progressive development of one’s innate abilities. Pestalozzi was of the view “Education is [the] natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers.” Education enables us to control, give the right direction and the final sublimation of instincts. It creates good citizens. It helps to prepare the kids for their future life. Education inculcates certain values and principles and also prepares a human being for social life. It civilizes the man. It would appear that a politician would be consumed with a drive to enhance the education of their community twenty-four-seven, especially since it also produces skilled workers who serve society and also live respectable productive existences.

Importance of Education

Finally, Education serves as the major instrument for the betterment of individuals in a society. Politicians have declared that education is a “right” of each and every individual. One of the prime responsibilities of any democratic and welfare state is to educate its people without any discrimination. As long as there is life on this planet education is essential. We need to adjust our lives to new situations and environments. We also need to modify our views about life which is the work of education. To have a prosperous peaceful and a better world we need educated people to play their role. For prosperity, and peace to ever have a chance of pervading our universe, education is essential. A society’s own survival rest on the transfer its cultural values and traditions to their young. It’s time Nevada politicians get their priorities straight and behave like public servants. The time to prioritize education in Nevada is now. It’s up to us to remind them of the oath they took. We must educate our cities our states our nation; but first, we must educate our politicians.

Written by Gran Badshah
Sources / Supporting Links / Works Cited: Wikipedia
Attachment: Education-its meaning, nature, types and impotance8.docx


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