New Website Launched to Promote False Voter-Fraud Allegations

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Voter-fraud accusations are nothing new, especially when a person or political party loses an election. The internet is fraught with allegations of illegal ballots cast and tabulation inaccuracies. In November 2020, a new website, everylegalvote dot com, claims to bring these irregularities to light.

voter-fraudThe site’s creators claim they provide “empirical evidence that U.S. President Donald Trump would have won the 2020 general election were it not for voter fraud,” according to a Snopes report published on Nov. 12, 2020. Fact-checkers rate this claim as false. Moreover, the entire website is filled with false voter-fraud accusations.

Everylegalvote was created with the clear goal of bringing to light the impact voter-fraud played in the United States Presidential race. On the home page, viewers will find an interactive electoral map that supposedly shows the results of the election as they stand as of this report. When clicking on orange-colored states, viewers will find unsubstantiated voter-fraud claims. If choosing any other state, the landing pages read:

No data modeled yet for this state. Do you know of fraud in this state? Let us know!

Researching Domain Leads to Validity Questions

The site appears to be legitimate, although when double-checking the domain, the site appears to be registered with RIPE Network Coordination Centre. The center’s terms and conditions state:

Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre. A membership
association under Dutch law operating its registered office in Amsterdam, the

Based on the above statement, it seems the site is owned by a foreign entity whose apparent intent is to discredit the election process thereby casting doubt on the well-established Democratic process.

A website review site, Meceddorama, reports everylegalvote was created on November 6. The reviewer reports the owner of the site and its origin is unknown.

Facts Matter

President Donald Trump filed dozens of lawsuits claiming voter fraud was rampant in the 2020 general election. The majority of the cases were dismissed by the judges hearing the charges due to a lack of credible evidence.

Joe Biden is projected to be the next United States President with 306 Electoral Votes and 78,701,689 ballots cast in his favor. Trump secured 232 Electoral Votes and 73,122, 291 citizen votes.

With little more than four million ballots left to be counted, it would be impossible for Trump to surpass Biden.

Written by Cathy Milne-Ware


Snopes: Does Show Impact of Voter Fraud on 2020 Elections? by Dan Evon
Macedorama: Everylegalvotecounts com {Nov} Understand the Website!
RIPE Database: Terms and Conditions

Featured and Top Image Courtesy of Ged Caroll’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License


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